Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Knowing that we have 2 mastiffs, you're probably thinking drooling is going to be about the dogs. Unfortunately, no.

Do a quick google for: pregnant drool

This started maybe a few weeks ago or so. I'd be falling asleep and would wake up to this weird feeling of drool coming out my mouth. WTF? It has gotten progressively worse but luckily only happens when I'm sleeping, not during normal conversation or anything. But I got a good look at my pillow yesterday and it was hilarious - drool pattern marks everywhere! It is the strangest thing. Most of the time while I'm drooling and sleeping, I wake up and have to wipe my mouth. It makes me wonder though how much drool seeps out that I'm not aware of? Do I need to buy new pillows after I'm done being pregnant?

While I'm very grateful I never got morning sickness or anytime of day sickness, I did get my share of strange pregnancy symptoms. I'm going to go ahead and list them off because it will make me feel better:

- I'll start with the drool, because it is annoying and really, what grown up drools while they're sleeping??

- Feet so swollen I can barely squeeze into my husband's size 10!! I keep them elevated as much as I can but as soon as they hit the ground you can literally WATCH them swell.

- Carpal tunnel. Mostly in my right hand, something about swelling of the whatever causes the nerves in my hand to carpal tunnel. I haven't been able to feel my fingers on my right hand for over a month now. There is a bit of a tingling sensation, but that's about it. Makes it hard to pick up and grasp things, they're pretty much just numb.

- Sciatica. I'm SO ready to be done with this. At least not sitting at my desk all day long has given me some relief of this but it is still there. Mostly when I try to lift up my right leg whether it is to put it on the couch, in the car, in my pants-  I get this shooting pain that makes me wince and make a little noise. Well, sometimes it's a lot of noise.

- Snoring. I still don't think that I do, but the circles under Lance's eyes tell me otherwise. I've started using the breathe right strips and they seem to help. I notice I can breathe easier while falling asleep and Lance stays in the bed at night. 

- Gas. My pregnancy books all said that you'd notice an increase here...but lucky for me, we do have the 2 mastiffs in the house so that's easy enough to blame on them. Unless of course, they get up and walk away from me, then it's kind of a giveaway it was in fact, me.

- Heartburn. This comes and goes. It doesn't seem to be tied to any specific food..I think for me, it has to do with what position baby is laying in. There will be days I go through like 20 tums, then there will be days I don't even need a tums. But being a person who has never ever had heartburn before, 1 tum is 1 tum too many.

- Water weight. There isn't an inch on me that you can't push and see your finger imprint for a good 2 minutes after the fact. Lance had his hand resting, not pushing, just resting on my calf the other night. When he lifted his hand, there were indentations of each of his fingers, enough that you could see his fingerprints. Water weight needs to go away.

K, I complained a bit, I feel better now :) 

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My new favorite drink

A couple weekends ago we were at the grocery  and on one of the end caps, I saw a cranberry flavored ginger ale. It didn't sound especially yummy, but it was pink and fizzy looking and drew me in. I'd guzzled that whole 2 liter by the end of the evening. A couple days go by and each day I mention to Lance how I'd like some more cranberry ginger ale, it was good, will you go get some more? 

I'm a little surprised he didn't pick up on the urgency sooner. A few nights go by and he was out playing "Go" - I called him when I figured he'd be on his way home to say how much I really really needed that ginger ale. He didn't hear his phone ring and walked in the door just a couple minutes later. THEN he got the urgency of my need for ginger ale. He didn't even bother to take his coat off, just turned around to go get me ginger ale. 

He came home with 3 2-liters, score! I started guzzling right away and it was the best tasting thing I could have had at that moment. But then he had to point out how funny it was that not only did I really really want this ginger ale, but that I was standing in the kitchen window waiting for him to bring it to me. True, I was waiting in front of the window...I was thirsty. I didn't realize he'd see me in the window though :)

We've since made a point to keep that cranberry ginger ale in the house now. Mmmm.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Good kitty kitty

One of the kitties caught a mouse last night! 

Lance is much quicker about getting downstairs in the morning than I am and so is always first to the kitchen and to let the dogs out. This morning was no different, but then as I was convincing myself to get out of the bed I could hear him coming back upstairs. I was like, what's up - you're changing the routine!? :)

He had to come back up to tell me to give the kitties extra love this morning because one or both of them caught a mouse and put it in the kitchen for us to see. Well, at least they didn't bring it up to the bedroom for us to see. My old kitty had killed a shrew once and came trotting over to us with it her mouth like, here - look what I did!

So, I'm up doing my morning thing and Henry (gray kitty) does his thing, which is to follow my every move and be my shadow. He knows my habits and how the mornings go and he's gotten into his own habit of hearding me. When I'm finished in the bathroom, he heards me to the bedroom...when I'm finished there, he heards me to the stairs - its weird really. But that's Henry. George (black kitty) was downstairs the whole time being extra swishy. He would go in the kitchen and purr meow and then run to the basement - only to come back upstairs real fast all swishy. 

Lance thinks George was the hunter because George seemed very proud of himself this morning. I think the kitties tag-teamed the mouse and were both involved. It's hard to say. George likes to chase and Henry likes to put things in his mouth. The only thing we know for sure is that Mesa was not involved in any way. She was probably completely unaware there was even a mouse. In all the years we've had her, she has never shown any desire to hunt or catch things. The kitties though, took down a bat within weeks of being adopted!

I should probably point out that it isn't that we have an animal infestation problem or anything - it's just a house from 1902 is going to have some little holes for critters to come in through. Something I've had to just learn to deal with. And by deal, I mean scream. Bats make me scream, a LOT.