Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Easter Bunny

One of my friends commented to me that Holidays are going to be fun all over again for Lance and I. She is so right on about that, I am actually looking forward to Easter this year. Which is a peculiar Holiday for me to be excited about. I can't even remember the last time I colored eggs or did anything even remotely resembling celebrating Easter. This  year though, I've got our egg coloring kit all ready to go. I can't wait for Lance and I to color eggs with Hannah for the first time. I know she isn't going to remember or really participate, but it'll be fun for us anyway. And Hannah has started to notice colors and things, so she may even look at an egg...

Today I took her to the mall to see the Easter Bunny and she did great. She wasn't entirely sure about the bunny but sat on his lap anyway. There was no smiling, but at least there was no screaming! Then we stopped to chat with a friend who had a booth at the mall show and did some more walking around. She was being a really good baby and getting pet by many a mall-goer. So many stopped to tell me what a pretty baby she was, awwww :) But as I was at the sprint store looking at phones, she started to squak a little and before I knew it she had completely lost her shit. No amount of mommy love would pull her out of it. And unfortunately, the mall has those high ceilings and no carpeting so her yelling really echoed. I had people looking at us and I'm sure they were wondering what I was doing to my baby to make her make such a noise. We hurried out to the car as quickly as we could because I knew as soon as I got her in the car seat and the car started to move she'd be okay. I was right, we hadn't even gotten out of the parking lot before all became right in her world and she quieted right down.

Each stop light we came to though, she let out a few half-hearted squaks like, don't you dare stop this car or I swear, I'll loose my shit again! We got home and it was like nothing was ever wrong, she was her usual smiling self. I think she was just a bit over-stimulated by all the lights and things to look at that she got tired and then pissed off that her bed wasn't there when she was tired. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I had a revelation yesterday. 

After a week or so of lots of spitting up (from Hannah, not me) when previously there had been little to none, I finally realized why people had given us so many bibs. Each time I would open a gift and see bibs, inside I would think....huh, bibs, great - she'll be eating and need bibs, oh when she's 6 months old. So, I open up the bib drawer - yep bibs have their own drawer because we have such a crazy amount of them. I open the drawer and slap a bib on baby. It catches the spit up and I don't have to change her clothes! Awesome! When people give new parents bibs, they should really explain why :)

I'm trying to figure out what I've introduced into my diet that she is not digging. I've already had to cut out cheese and milk. I used to eat LOTS of cheese and milk on a regular basis but had to let it go because Hannah's little tummy can't digest cow's milk at this age. Our doula had warned me of the problems babies can have with cow's milk but until I saw it I didn't really believe her. So away went the cheese...that was sad. I love me some cheese. I have started having a latte in the evenings and I'm wondering if it is the coffee (decaf of course) or the 1/3 cup of milk I make it with. Either way, gotta cut it out to see if it makes her feel better. One thing I do eat that she doesn't mind at all is turns her poop neon green. LOL

This morning because she's been so spitty uppy, I kept her in her jammies longer than I usually do thinking 1 less outfit change. I'd of course already forgotten my bib revelation of yesterday. So, when I decided to get her dressed I picked out one of her cute little dresses with a long sleeved onesie and little tights underneath. I got all of this on her and buttoned and scooped her up off the table to admire her, when she blew. She projectiled over my shoulder. Pour Eleanor thought the sky was falling, she skittered around trying to get out of the way, but of course some got on her before she could flee to safety. Franklin sauntered over to lick up what had landed on the floor like, mmm what's this coming from the sky? I laid Hannah back down on the table and proceeded to remove the clothes I had just put on....this time, I remembered to cover the clean outfit with a bib. So far, we've changed the bib 4 times, and her outfit has been saved!!! LOVE a bib.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


It is SO nice outside today I couldn't wait for Lance to get home and start removing the storms. Most of the windows have the old school wood frame storms that actually hang on the windows, not the 'new fangled' slide up storm windows. The front porch ones are easy enough for me to remove though, so I pulled a couple off and rather than go hunt down the screens to match, I pulled out a couple of those temporary screens. I wasn't thinking too much about it, but I should have known better. Baby Henry has been at that screen trying to escape for the last 15 minutes...luckily this window is a much tighter fit than the kitchen window from last summer. So, he is just sitting by the window now, howling because he needs outside THAT badly. Freak.

I've mentioned before how Henry will follow us into the bathroom, jump into the sink and proceed to poke us with his paw until we pet him and then turn on the faucet. That's old news now, he's trained us so well we really don't think about it anymore, it is just second nature. But yesterday Lance forgot how the game goes and ignored Henry. Henry kept poking him with his paw - tap tap tap on the shoulder. After a few taps and no response from Lance, Henry leaned in and bit Lance on the shoulder! I believe that is kitty for, "pay attention to me you bastard!"