Monday, February 23, 2009

I was going to post after Valentine's Day but never actually got around to it. Lance and I had a fabulous dinner. Hannah was such a good little baby that she slept nice and sound in her stroller while he and I sat down to dinner at the table. A nice change from woofing down supper on the couch while holding her with one hand so she doesn't fuss! We had a special meal that we hadn't had in years - beef medallions in red wine and shallot sauce, YUM - followed up by home-made crepes. Back in the day, the first dessert I made for Lance was crepes :)

And I've been starting to do some more advertising with my business. Time to start bringing in some serious money. We got my car sold, which is great! But we had to make up the difference in what we got for it compared to what was actually left on the loan. Bummer. But at least that payment is gone as is the insurance payment. So we're back down to a single car family....we'd made one car work for us for many years, so I know we can do it. It will just be a little different now that there is a baby in the mix.

Hannah goes to her 2 month checkup this week. She's doing all the things the books say she should be so I'm sure she'll get a gold star. It is just amazing to have this little baby that we made and to be able to watch her grow. I gave her a bath just a few minutes ago and it was just the sweetest thing. She sat in her tub smiling up at me the whole time with this look on her face that seemed to say "Ahhh, I love my mom".