Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Franklin and his pig

When we went to pick up Franklin as a baby (puppy) we brought along this cute little pink stuffed pig thinking it would be his first toy. It turned into more than his first toy, it became more like his pacifier. He goes through about 3-4 pigs a year now, he doesn't shred them or un-stuff them so much as they literally fall apart from over-use. When he gets a new replacement pig, the first thing he does is suck on the ears and chew them off. That's it though, once the ears are removed, he is content with the pig as is.

Part of his routine is to be put to bed with a treat and his pig. In the mornings when he is let out of his kennel he always makes sure to grab his pig and bring it with him downstairs. Sometimes during the day I forget or am too lazy to take his pig and put it up for the day and I'll see him sucking on it as he naps. It wasn't until we had Hannah and I was waking up during the night for feedings that I saw how much Franklin really uses his pig. He sucks on it throughout the night and I think he does it while he's still sleeping. I would hear him and look over to see his jaw working and a little bit of pink peeking out from his mouth. How sweet!

The morning routine is for him to take his pig downstairs with him, drop it by the backdoor as he goes outside, eat, drink, and retrieve his pig to come back upstairs and lie in bed with Hannah and I. Today though, he forgot to drop his pig by the backdoor before he went out. Lance looked out the window at the dogs and saw Franklin pee-ing with his pig stuffed in his mouth. I can picture it now and it is just too funny for words. He really is a one of a kind boy.