Hannah saw the moon last night, in person, for the first time in months. She knows what it is, has read about it in books, seen it on tv, but doesn't get to see it "for real" ever. It's not that we keep her from it intentionally, but it is never out before her bedtime rolls around. Last night though, she was up late because of a doctor visit and the moon was the highlight of her whole day. It came at a cost though...
She has been sick for almost a week now and yesterday I noticed these bright red clustery things in the back of her throat. Her sick has mainly been snot and a fever, so I never really looked at her throat because it didn't seem to be bothering her. But when I accidentally caught a glimpse of it yesterday, I called the doctor's office right away to ask what that was. The receptionist didn't even patch me through to the nurse to ask, once she heard me describing it she said "oh I know they're going to want to see her." They had an appointment yet that night, at 7:00. I told her we'd take it. Even though it was her bedtime, doctors trump schedules. So, because of how doctor's office visits tend to run, they didn't get home until about 8:30 and Hannah couldn't stop talking about the moon. Apparently on the drive home, that's all she could talk about - where's the moon? There's the moon! I find the moon! What's it doing up there? Why is the moon there? I see the moon! Then we had to sit on the back porch stairs for awhile admiring the moon. Doctor said she doesn't have strep, but she does have a very irritated and inflamed throat and some liquid on her ears. So, really, she has nothing. But they gave her some antibiotics to fend off the ear infection that is inevitable after having been sick for so long.
We have scheduled our girls from as early as they would let us. When they were super young, everything was just on demand. As they neared 2 or 3 months old though, I started to notice a pattern of things and so went with it as the schedule. Hannah and Eliza both do so much better when they stick to their eating and sleeping routine. This is another one of those parenting things that is different for everyone. Some families don't schedule and feel it is too confining or just not for them. Other families stick to their schedules no matter what because they have learned what works for them. That is us. If it is time for a nap, we take a nap, regardless of what we are doing. Because if we don't - it is awful. Last night could have been worse, but it was bad enough. Hannah was so over-tired that she gave the appearance of being fine and raring to go. Some people would have said, "oh she's not tired, she's fine" but we know better, we knew she was exhausted. It was like wrangling and octopus. She was literally all over the place. She had stayed up late enough, that she had gotten her second wind and it took a lot of soft-talking and coercing to get her to calm down and relax enough to listen to stories before bed. Once bedtime routine was over and I left the room, she was asleep in about 10 minutes.
One of these days, she'll see the moon again and I am pretty sure it will as exciting as it was last night. But I know, it will come at a cost…the cost being an over-tired and tough to wrangle toddler.
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