Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Gone fishin'

A couple nights ago, Lance and I were hanging out in the poker room reading and watching the fishtank. I heard a kitty on the stairs and what sounded like a bit of a struggle...Henry came into the room with a bag of peppermint patties. Chocolate is very bad for animals, so luckily the chocolate he chose to hunt was all wrapped, but still, naughty kitty! It was kinda funny though because in order for him to have gotten the candy bag he would have had to open the cupboard we keep it in. Sure enough, a trip back downstairs to check and the cupboard door was open.

Christmas Eve morning, we got up early to hit the road only to find Henry had gone fishing during the night. The betta was in quiet time outside the main tank recouping from a bit of ick and had been in his bowl for several days. The kitties had watched him, but mostly left him alone and the plan was to put him back in the main tank when we got back from Christmas travels. I say was because Henry ate him. Lance came in the poker room to find Fishie (betta) on the floor all chewed up and not much left of him. Poor fishie!! Lance disposed of him so I wouldn't have to see him, and Henry was sniffing all around the floor like, where'd my fish go?? That one was our fault, I should have realized with Henry's 'abilities', fishie was not safe in a non-lidded fish bowl.

At least all the other fish are doing well, they were safe inside the tank while we were gone and Henry couldn't get them. Lesson learned.

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