Thursday, March 5, 2009


It is SO nice outside today I couldn't wait for Lance to get home and start removing the storms. Most of the windows have the old school wood frame storms that actually hang on the windows, not the 'new fangled' slide up storm windows. The front porch ones are easy enough for me to remove though, so I pulled a couple off and rather than go hunt down the screens to match, I pulled out a couple of those temporary screens. I wasn't thinking too much about it, but I should have known better. Baby Henry has been at that screen trying to escape for the last 15 minutes...luckily this window is a much tighter fit than the kitchen window from last summer. So, he is just sitting by the window now, howling because he needs outside THAT badly. Freak.

I've mentioned before how Henry will follow us into the bathroom, jump into the sink and proceed to poke us with his paw until we pet him and then turn on the faucet. That's old news now, he's trained us so well we really don't think about it anymore, it is just second nature. But yesterday Lance forgot how the game goes and ignored Henry. Henry kept poking him with his paw - tap tap tap on the shoulder. After a few taps and no response from Lance, Henry leaned in and bit Lance on the shoulder! I believe that is kitty for, "pay attention to me you bastard!"