Friday, May 1, 2009

Shots round 2

Poor little baby girl had to get more shots today. It was her 4 month check up. The nurse saw her first and was literally giddy with how adorable Hannah was. Hannah kept smiling and cooing and laughing for the nurse. They seemed to get along great! Then the doc came in and Hannah behaved the same way for her. Such a good baby, she loves everyone :) Doc said she is doing absolutely great, no worries and everything looks super. At 4 months, she is 24 1/2 inches tall and 13.9lbs. Breast milk seems to agree with her, lol.

Then when it was time for shots, I made Lance stand by her - I couldn't do it. He said she made such an owie face, poor thing. Once the shots were done, I scooped her up for some mommy love. It only took her a little while to calm back down and realize everything was okay. I didn't cry this time at all. I knew what to expect. It was still gut-wrenching to hear my baby cry her 'OW' cry, but I'm learning to be strong :) I'm ready for a couple days of fever and crankiness now. I know from last time this is what we can expect so I'm fully prepared to snuggle her non-stop if that is what she needs.