Sunday, February 17, 2008

I did good!

I meant to write about this as soon as it happened, but I get distracted. I had my first test in my Algebra course this last week. I studied and studied and even recruited some assistance using my calculator from one of those teenagers. I was certain it was broken as I had entered in what I was supposed to but each time I hit that stupid 'graph' button I would get an error. 5 seconds in the hands of Callie and waalaa, there's my graph. Turns out it wasn't broken at all, I had just inadvertently entered some weird numbers on a different screen. Calculators these days are advanced...

Anyway, I got an 86% on my test - woohoo! I felt I had done pretty well, knew there were a couple questions I was confused on, but overall felt good. Only 4 more tests to go, hopefully I can keep it up. I've got this math course to finish and then the next one to check off is Calculus. I can then consider my relationship with math over.

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