Friday, August 1, 2008

Contented sigh...

We know what our baby is :) We had the OB appointment yesterday morning and they were able to tell with 99% certainty what little Baby Koch is going to be. The ultrasound part lasted for like maybe 30-45 minutes, it seemed to go on forever. She was taking all sorts of measurements and stuff and it was taking her longer because we have a wiggly baby. And along with be wiggly, the baby was also sucking - how cool. It is just amazing to me to be able to see all that going on inside my belly. Trippy man.

I'm purposely continuing to refer to baby as baby rather than by a pronoun because there are still a few people we want to tell yet. I told my mom and we told Lance's mom yesterday, both were beyond happy for us. Knowing what baby is, is weird, I was very sure I wanted to not know and be surprised, but now I'm glad I know. I'm so excited :) 

This afternoon I am heading to Wisconsin for a little mini bonding session, today through Sunday. My mom and sisters came out to see me in June and I had such a good visit with them, I had to arrange and find time to go back home to visit some more. My Boston sister is also back in Wisconsin for a couple weeks visiting her mom. She and Wayne are going to come to mom's house on Saturday for a bbq and mini family reunion of sorts. I'm not sure what all they're doing while they're in town, but at least I have an opportunity to see them on Saturday. It will be nice to be able to spend some time talking with them, hopefully much less sad than our last visit at Dad's funeral in April. I'm anxious and nervous at the same time. 

But I am very much looking forward to spending some time with mom. Its going to be weird to be home and not have Dad in the house, but its what mom has dealt with every day. Okay, I can't type about that anymore, I'm already starting to cry. If it weren't for these hormones, I'd be able to hold my shit together better.

Lance is staying home with the dogs, given the cost of gas, and the cost of boarding the babies at the spa its more economical for just one of us to travel. I get it, but its still too bad that he won't be able to spend some time getting to know Boston sister. But, at least he's finally met her, lol.