Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back in the saddle

A friend recently started a brand new blog which made me remember I have a blog! I used to write in it religiously and then came Hannah…with a baby, things tend to fall to the back burner. Now that we have another baby, I'm not entirely sure how I expect to keep on top of it, but I'm going to make an effort. My thinking is that by maintaining my blog, it'll give me writing practice, which I desperately need; I've gotten back in the freelance writing saddle. With two children, I enjoy a night out even more and those nights out cost money. If I want to be able to spend money, I really ought to earn some :)

So, this morning we all got up like usual…Eliza first, because she's the baby and is ready for first milk anytime between 6 and 6:30am. As she and I are sitting quietly in her room nursing and enjoying the breeze from her window, I hear the pitter patter thud of Hannah. Eliza is at the age now (5 months) where she is easily distracted and finds enjoyment in everything…her toes, a cat tail going by at eye level, a lightbulb, but especially her older sister. When Hannah is near, Eliza loves to watch her and giggle. I just love it. Watching these two grow up together is going to be amazing. Of course, I'll probably bitch and moan a good deal of the time because raising two kids is hard, but it's also rewarding. Every step of the way, it's rewarding.

Hannah and Lance headed off to Grandma and Grandpa Bodensteiner's for a relocated pancake breakfast. Usually Lance and Hannah make pancakes on Saturday and Sunday morning as part of their daddy/daughter tradition; they started doing that when Hannah was old enough to stand. It's so sweet. But this morning, they headed out the G&G's to share the pancake love. Since we were all just out there last weekend for a visit, and I dislike pancakes a great deal, Eliza and I opted to stay home this time :)

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