Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jello shots never get old

For the first time in years, I had a couple jello shots last night. I was at an organizational meeting for my mommy group and of course there were jello shots. Why wouldn't there be?! With the very first slurp, the memories came flooding back. It was hard to stay focused on the task at hand as my mind went down memory lane.

I don't recall where I tried my first jello shot, but I know with certainty it was during college. All the good things are, right? I do know that the first party I threw, involved jello shots. I was living off campus in some apartments on Greek Street with Rebecca (my old roommate in the dorms), Jen (friend from GK dorm) and Kimmie (super fun, but don't remember how we met.) I made tray after tray of vodka-laden shots. I had access to those little paper medicine dispenser cups that are handed out to the old people when it is "time for your meds" at the nursing home, because when I was home for school breaks, I picked up as many hours working there as I could. Those little medicine cups were made for jello shots. As you suck the jello out, the cup folds into itself making sure you get all the goodness out. Our little four bedroom apartment was packed tight with friends. The actual party itself is a blur. If I try hard enough though, I can remember bits and pieces - but what I recall most vividly is the day after. Jello shots everywhere. It had never occurred to me how messy they could be. We had jello running down our walls, smeared all over the floor, behind living room furniture, in the bathroom… You know a good time was had, when you find jello shots in the bathtub. Rebecca, Jen, if I didn't apologize then, I totally apologize now - I believe my friends may have gotten a little out of hand :)

One of the last parties Lance and I threw before we became grown ups with children involved jello shots, but in a much more controlled environment. When you're in your 30s, you still know how to have a good time, but you also know it's never a good idea to squirt the walls with jello. Even though our walls stayed clean, I know we had fun. It was a few years ago and it still comes up in conversation every now and then. It was a Disco party, complete with disco balls, music, and platform shoes. We even had our own roller-girl skating around the house. No idea who she was, but it sure added to the atmosphere!

I'm pretty sure there are more jello shot parties in our future, though probably not until the girls get a little older and can be sent off to slumber party somewhere. I'm thinking a party like the old days might make turning 40 much less daunting. Thankfully, I've got a few years yet to plan. I imagine I'll be that grandma in the nursing home who asks her grandkids to sneak her in "just one more shot" for old times sake.

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