Monday, November 24, 2008

He's growing up

We've always jokingly made fun of Franklin and his 'simple ways'. He's not an especially bright dog, but he's a really good dog. Eleanor though, she's our college grad. 

Whenever someone comes to the door or a stranger gets too close to the house, it is always Eleanor sounding the alarm. Franklin will, on occasion, let out a woof but doesn't always bother to get up to see what the woof was for. This weekend, our little boy grew up! He found his inner guard dog finally. Lance was napping, and I was playing in the baby room...putzing around, organizing, etc. when all of a sudden Franklin let out a really big boy bark and went flying downstairs. Eleanor slowly came out of the bedroom a bit bewildered, not barking, but headed downstairs anyway to see what Franklin was doing. Honestly, I figured he was just having a moment and there was no reason for him to be barking. But I went downstairs, and I'll be darned if there wasn't someone at the front door! I didn't hear the doorbell, and Eleanor obviously didn't otherwise she would have been barking right away. 

Up until now, he was just "for looking at", but I think he's going to be a good guard dog after all!