Monday, November 17, 2008

Ready ready!

I'm ready. Baby doesn't seem to be ready yet, but I certainly am. This whole business of sciatica is really getting old now. As the days go on, my pain gets worse. I can't lay down or get up without letting out a very genuine cry of pain. It's this shooting pain that goes down the inside of my right leg. Doc says, oh its just one of those pregnancy things, baby is pressing on your sciatic nerve. Well sure, why wouldn't she be?

I have this vision of her inside me with various pull cords: one for sciatic, one for bladder, one for squeezing my lungs, you get the picture. She's just in there randomly pulling the cords for fun :) The space inside is getting more constricted for her now and when she moves I can literally see my whole belly rumble with the quake. It's pretty freaky to watch and realize, that's a baby in there!

And the larger my belly gets, the more the gray kitty wants to be on it. Like it is his own personal shelf, lol. As soon as I lie down on the couch, he comes out of nowhere and gets all comfy on my belly. Oddly, that also signals to baby to wake up and start shimmying. These two, they have a strange relationship already...he will not budge from my belly no matter how violent she gets inside. We joke that all that movement is giving him a belly rub and he likes it. Especially lately, the movements have been really pronounced. Henry digs it.

Lance is working on fixing up a dresser he had as a kid. It is being donated to baby girl. He's painting it, made new feet for it, and attaching new hardware. I found some cute little pooh decals to go on the sides too. It already looks like a completely different dresser. I'm ready to start washing all her clothes and get them put away in her drawers. The crib gets delivered tomorrow so he'll have that to put together next. A nursery - its all about the putting together.