Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What do I do with myself all day?

I make milk, I nurse Hannah, I change her, I soothe her, I play with her, and I love every minute of it! So far, I've been lucky to get a shower in every day, most days I can even straighten up around the house. 

Some days she feeds every hour, some days she feeds every two hours - so there is a lot of time spent hanging on my boob. I've been doing as much reading on breast feeding as I can and our doula has been a good source of information too. Babies who nurse, don't get as full as babies who eat formula and food so they want to eat more frequently. Sometimes it can get exhausting when I don't feel like I've gotten enough sleep. But then I look at her and I realize how much I really do enjoy being her source of nutritious milk. Yesterday I was actually able to get a crock pot meal made and was pretty proud of myself to have supper ready for Lance when he got home. I know he appreciated it.

So what I do with myself all day is take care of a baby. I have realized how much I love taking care of her, my inner nurturer has come out and now I know what others mean when they say they would do ANYThing for their kids.