Thursday, November 15, 2007

from November 11th

I love my dog! So, Lance is away this weekend, having a boys weekend. I didn’t get to sleep in like I usually do because the dogs can only hold it for so long. But yesterday, I took Franklin to the pet store to get a weight on him and socialize him some. He’s always done very well with riding in the car and meeting new people. The store though was busier than I’d ever seen it. He was coo’d to and pet by no less than 50 people! Its funny, I forget how big he is until I see a ‘regular’ dog or the expression on someone’s face as they attempt to pet him. I was also pleasantly surprised by how many parents told their kids to ask first if they could pet him rather than just running willy nilly up to him. Good for those parents! There was one little kid who obviously wanted to pet him but was shy and I told him its okay, he’s very friendly. The kid didn’t move his arms but leaned a little towards Franklin and that was all the invitation Franklin needed - he stuck his big ole nose up in the kid’s face to get a good sniff :) The kid giggled, but I could no longer see him, Franklin completely dwarfed his head! On our way home, I had two different cars pull up beside me at stoplights and call out their windows to me about what a large dog, and how pretty he is. It was probably pretty funny for them to see Franklin riding in the back seat of my little Yaris. He likes my little car though, hops right in whenever its time for a ride. What a good boy. Oh, and he only weighs 180 lbs. I was expecting more.

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