Monday, September 8, 2008

Body Movin'

As the Beastie Boys say, "Body Movin'"  :)

I've been feeling little girl moving around for quite awhile now, just weird little burble type feelings. The ultrasounds have shown us that the placenta is between baby and belly so many of her movements are muffled by that. Doc said that as she gets bigger and the space smaller, I will start feeling way more movement. 

September 1 is when it first happened. I was laying on the couch with my feet up when suddenly it was like, WHAM. I think she may have braced herself back on her hands and used both feet to try and "kick the wall out". I actually jumped because it was so startling. Lance put his hand on the belly and was able to feel her too. She was just all over the place!!! I'm so glad Lance was finally able to feel it :)

Since then, she hasn't really let up. I don't notice it so much when I'm up and about doing things, but when I lay down and stretch my feet out, she starts dancing. Last night I had one of the cats laying on my belly - the one I never write about because she's old and bitter and never does anything funny. Except for now, LOL. She was just laying on my belly purring and getting some love when the baby did a super kick. Mesa lost her shit and jumped straight up in the air and started scowling, like WTF? She got kicked by the baby and she did not like it. Too funny.