Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Swollen and stubbed

I've started to swell. I knew it would happen, I've always heard about pregnant women who can't wear their wedding rings any longer - but I just figured that wouldn't be until I'm a lot further along. But as people remind me, I AM 6 1/2 months now.... I've had to take all my rings off and even my watch. When I get home from work at night, my ankles and feet are so swollen that my socks leave impressions in my feet. Sad.  At least swollen doesn't hurt, it just looks weird. 

And baby girl is so very active. Its like I can feel her all the time just doing stuff in there. I'm all, what are you doing? Sit still! She of course doesn't. But that's okay, an active baby is a good baby :)

And the stubbed part...Franklin has an owie. We noticed a couple days ago that he was a little gimpy and wouldn't put one of his back legs down all the way to the ground. After closer inspection, I could see one of his toes was HUGE. Just absolutely swollen and red. I wasn't sure if it was maybe broken or if he had jabbed a twig up in there and it was infected? Lance took him to the vet yesterday and $140 later, he's got medicine for a stubbed toe. To be fair, the vet wasn't sure if it was infected or not, so it is legitimate that he is on antibiotic and anti-inflammatory...but still, it is a stubbed toe. Freaking dog - what dog stubs their toe?!