Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Oh, the humanity!

Last night I was watching tv when all of a sudden the screen flickered and then gave me some strange coded message. I did the off/on thing, hit the reset button on the DVR, nothing. I couldn't get my screen to come back up. I called Directv immediately and after going through all her trouble shooting steps, she's like, huh...I'm going to have to order you a replacement receiver. All I could think to say was, but but but, I was in the middle of watching a show!

20 minutes later she's wrapping up my 'order' for a replacement receiver. I ask her how this works, do I get it tomorrow? She says, no this will arrive in approximately 2 days. I start to hyperventilate a little and sputter something about this being THE BEST WEEK OF TELEVISION EVER, and while she sympathized, there was nothing she could do. 

Lance came home as I was on the phone with them, saw the black tv screen and was like - I assume you're on it? Oh baby, I'm all over it! After I got off the phone though, I gave him the bad news. He starts to get a little freaky too and is like, well, we'll get it by the time Survivor is on....right?

I just checked the status online to see if it had shipped yet and yeah it has! But boooo, it isn't due to arrive until Friday :(  I guess we need to look into bunny ears or something so we can watch the Survivor premier. Even the dogs missed the television this morning. Part of the routine is to turn on FoxNEWS for them in the morning and then it keeps them company throughout the day. 

The house seemed eerily silent as we left for work...