Friday, October 3, 2008

All is well again

Just in case you were worried, we didn't miss Survivor. I did go buy a $10 set of bunny ears to get us through until the Directv thingee arrived in the mail. Pretty pathetic, but I do love me some tv!!

And this last weekend we went up to Wisconsin for one of my nephew's wedding. The last of the original 3 to get married...makes me feel even older. It was a really beautiful ceremony and reception - they did a great job. I had a good time, though had I not been pregnant, swollen, and tired, I'm pretty sure I would have had a better time. I did get to see a lot of family members that you usually just see at funerals and weddings and it is always better to see them at the weddings - so that part was cool. 

I feel like nothing has really happened lately, all I've been doing is going to work, coming home, and falling asleep within minutes of having had supper. I think I'm entering another one of those tired phases, hopefully it passes soon.