Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Crying with a touch of yelling

This weekend, I was taking a shower and for some reason started thinking about a specific time when Lance sent me flowers. So I'm showering, thinking about that, then started thinking I want some flowers now. As I thought about how badly I wanted flowers I started to cry. I wanted some flowers that much! I realized how ridiculous that was and tried to laugh to make the crying stop, but I only ended up crying harder because I wanted flowers.

Wow. Hormones are freaky. So I of course tell Lance I had a crying fit in the shower because I want flowers. Good man that he is, he didn't laugh at me too much, rather gave me an 'aww, baby its okay' :) My inner freak was screaming, NO it isn't OK, I want FLOWERS!!! 

I think it was the same day, just later that I started rambling about pie. I want pie. I want cherry pie. Where can I get pie. I need pie. I just couldn't shake it...I seriously needed pie, cherry pie. It couldn't be Baker's Square or anything like that, because they suck. It couldn't be the cheapo hostess kind, it had to be real honest to goodness Amish type pie. By the time Sunday rolled around, it had turned into 'I need some God damn pie!' 'Where can I get some God damn pie!?'

Lance recognized the urgency of the situation and made me a pie. Home-made crust, real cherries, the whole works. I ate that pie and had the most contended moment ever. It was the best pie in the world. And he made it for me :)